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The winter months were generous with their precipitation, and our vines started into the new growing year with good vitality and vigor. While the winter itself had been mild, cool April conditions slowed vine development and slightly delayed bud break. Summer arrived in late May, and by mid-June the vines had begun flowering under ideal conditions. With plentiful sunshine and temperatures exceeding 30° C, the vines quickly made up for any developmental delays.

Well aware of how dry the previous year had been, we were concerned about water reserves in the soil. And by July, our younger vines were indeed already showing signs of water stress. Then things turned. Late July brought wave after wave of Atlantic low pressure systems, and with it rain, rain, rain. Summery temperatures and plentiful water and nutrient supplies translated into perfect conditions, with the grapes developing practically in front of our eyes.

We began preparing for an earlier-than-expected harvest, and already in early September had launched into the first pre-harvests.

Ripe berries with sophisticated and intense aromas told us that it was time to bring in the Pinot fruit, even if the weather resembled high summer more than a typical harvest autumn. One step followed the next, with the Riesling vineyards also ripening quickly.

selective harvest was especially crucial, as the differences from one vine to the next were enormous. We completed the harvest in just three weeks, with but one single day of rest.
